We have created a petition for Gagan Mohindra on the CEE Bill
Please back life on earth by supporting the CEE Bill | 38 Degrees
Please back life on earth by supporting the CEE Bill | 38 Degrees
(First, here’s the Zoom link for our next meeting at 7:30 pm on 20th January: Topic: Extinction Rebellion DacorumTime: Jan 20, 2021 07:30 PM London https://zoom.us/j/4445551652?pwd=jaQcQ9OdZUSFeJKULsw_0RyhqE4M_Q Meeting ID: 444 555 1652Passcode: 113384) Delivering flyers about the #CEEbill G and K to
N.B. Since the meeting we have rethought Sunday mornings due to Covid rules, which are more likely to be toughened than relaxed. SO WE’RE POSTPONING AND WILL NO LONGER BE ON BERKO HIGH ST from this Sunday. OUR NEXT MEETING
We’ll be Zooming on Wednesday 6th January at 7:30. Topic: Extinction Rebellion DacorumTime: Jan 6, 2021 07:30 PM London https://zoom.us/j/96406911801?pwd=WkdYbVVwRDFpVnlkZGRNWUt3cmpmZz09 Meeting ID: 964 0691 1801Passcode: 763913
Rebels decorated Barclays branches in Hemel, Berkhamsted and beyond to alert customers to the destructive habits of one of the world’s top ten financiers of fossil fuels. Similar stickers were also applied to some HSBC branches. https://www.fossilbanks.org/ We were then
Look out for bus shelters at Cow Roast and Hamberlins Lane. This is a Christian Climate Action campaign in conjunction with XR, and follows on from annunciation posters on churches in Berkhamsted. Contact us if you would like to be
Plans for the next few months: People are keen to continue with a regular presence on local high streets when weather improves, e.g. our regular Sunday morning outside Berkhamsted Civic Centre. We plan to restart this (either as vigil or
As an author for the last eleven years, I’ve created a few activist characters, and I used to see my writing as my own activism – but that changed. Having been with XR from October 31st last year, I was
XR Grandparents were on Berkhamsted High Street on 5th December, with THEIR PRESENT, OUR FUTURE. We will meet on Zoom on Wednesday 16th December to regenerate ready for 2021. If you’re new to XR nationally or to XR Dacorum, please