XR Dacorum

Extinction Rebellion

Insure Our Survival comes to Hemel

Some local Rebels visited Howdens in Hemel to highlight the urgent necessity for insurance companies to stop enabling the fossil fuel industry.

Our friends in XR St Albans recently visited Howdens there. Some of us in XR Dacorum have been involved with protests recently – at Marsh McLennon, at Farnborough Airport and with Fossil Free London outside a hotel hosting a private jet conference.

We will be on Tring Park Bridge at 8:30 am on 25th Feb with our NO FUTURE IN FOSSIL FUELS banner, should you wish to join us. Also contact us for the zoom link to online meetings most Tuesday evenings at 6:30 pm.

Find climate conversations with less informed friends and family difficult/impossible?

“I am taking part in a programme for engaging in conversations about climate change, called Let’s Talk Climate.  The first part of the programme is an online Workshop, which is open to anyone to join (for free!).  Below is some blurb to describe it.  The dates and links to the two Workshops are as follows, noting that they have the same content so you only need to sign up to one of them!

We’re on a mission to get people talking in their community – with their neighbours, at the school gate, at places of worship, after a fitness class or on the dog walk. This is your chance to join a movement of people learning how to talk with others about climate change.

Perhaps you’re worried about coming across as preachy or judgmental. You might not feel like you’re ‘expert’ enough when it comes to climate science. Or maybe you just can’t find the right words. Whatever’s getting in the way – we’re here to help! Join us for this 2-hour, online session where you will:

  • Connect with others who care about climate change.
  • Identify barriers that are holding you back and ways to overcome them.
  • Learn practical tips on how to get conversations started.
  • Find out what helps conversation to go well once you’ve got going.
  • Practice your skills in a friendly, low-pressure environment.
  • Access our Workbook with extra resources to help you on your way.”