On Friday 2nd September, the day Rebels glued to the Speaker’s Chair in the House of Commons (bravo), we were on Berkhamsted high street with STOP JACKDAW, STOP CAMBO flyers. Sue lay down on a cloth oil slick so that fake oil could be poured over her head and feet. The take-up from the public was good, the response predominantly positive.
Then on Saturday 3rd September ten Rebels met at the Shell garage in Apsley for an executives’ tea party. As this reel shows…..With a silver teapot full of ‘oil’ and a hand-painted tablecloth, two suited ‘Shell directors’ toasted profits and celebrated by throwing ‘money’ around before pouring the oil over their heads. They were apparently oblivious to the three sheeted and toe-tagged ‘climate corpses’ at their feet. We were mourning and honouring real, named humans who have died because of climate change. Our theatrical action was not disruptive but after we handed in a letter for the manager, the police were called – arriving once we’d finished. No arrests, since we were mindful of the injunction and stayed on public land.
Meanwhile posters inviting people to the Festival of Resistance 10 – 12 September have appeared around Berkhamsted and other nearby towns.
Our last meeting before the Festival of Resistance in Hyde Park (meet at 10 on 10th at Marble Arch) will be by zoom on Tuesday 6th Sept, the day G and S will be sentenced for their part in the Press Action in 2020.
Time: Sep 6, 2022 06:30 PM London
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Meeting ID: 725 8137 2188
Passcode: 6kWYvi