XR Dacorum

Extinction Rebellion

Notes from our meeting on 6th July 2021

Bank action debrief

We felt that our action at Barclays St Albans went well. It was good to have support from Rebels in the town and lucky that the Telegraph photographer from outside the Magistrates’ Court came round the corner to take photos – which may appear in the business section of that (appalling) paper on 8th July. We handed in a letter to the manager and staff and Dove from St A sent a press release to the Herts Advertiser, who used it that evening. We discussed other branches with a view to repeating the action.

Picnic – Climate and Cake

Sue to invite all members personally.

Great Big Green Week

The programme is firming up. We should have a stall on Saturday 18th September in the Civic Centre and Leslie is pulling together Berkhamsted Live Goes Green on the evening on 22nd in the Civic Centre, with the Devines (Rebels) for music and speakers on why they’re ‘green’ including a Rebel or two.

Street Talk

So far the feedback on this seems positive. Others to read with a view of using this as the basis of a meeting in early October which can be promoted at the Great Big Green Week.

Plastics Parade

Saturday 24th July in Tring. Meet at 11:00 at Pound Meadow opposite Tesco. The parade will go from Tesco to Morrisons and then M and S, with letters to deliver. There will be a prize for the best costume, to be presented in the nearby park after speeches at Dolphin Square. It will be a family-friendly event which we hope will be supported by Tring in Transition and Tring Justice and Peace group. M and M to work on an event to be shared on Facebook with route.

Next meeting

This will be at 6:30 on Tuesday 13th July.

Topic: Dacorum XR Zoom
Time: Jul 13, 2021 06:30 PM London

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