On 29th March in Tring and Cow Roast we drew public attention to TWO campaigns.
We dropped a long banner reading NO FUTURE IN FOSSIL FUELS from Tring Park Bridge over the A41, while on the grass in Tring Park below we held a smaller banner inviting people to UNITE TO SURVIVE at Westminster on 21st April.
The number of people committing to be there for what we call The Big One is rising daily as more and more groups including charities and faith groups join with us to demand change. No new coal, gas or oil. All those new licenses must be cancelled, including Rosebank, which would have the emissions of the world’s 28 poorest countries combined.
With Sarah dressed as a dying bee, we then protested outside a business advertising artificial grass or astroturf – on a day when a piece in the Guardian asked whether it should be banned.
The evils of artificial grass make a long list but in short, it doesn’t sustain wildlife. It reaches higher temperatures than natural grass, which is a natural carbon store, and contributes to global warming by absorbing more radiation. It causes surface run-off which can lead to flooding. Polypropylene makes its way into the soil as plastic pollution. And the manufacture, transport and installation create a large carbon footprint. The benefits of a natural lawn are great for humans as well as wildlife, acting as an air filter to clean the air we breathe. Plastic grass must be banned.