Some members of XR Dacorum took part in a blockade on Valentine’s Day of the two private jet terminals at Luton: Harrods Aviation and Signature. February 14th was chosen because it is one of the busiest days of the year for private flights. The Mail, Express, Independent and Times covered the protest (the Times being most negative, the others telling it straight or fairly straight). This was an international action taking place in 13 other countries, and ITN and BBC 3 Counties arrived to report on it. There were excellent interviews with ex-pilot Todd Smith, originally from Hemel, and his livestream interview with Sue was embedded into the Mail Online.

Illness and Half Term prevented us being on Berko high street on Saturday 18th but we plan to be there again with our banner and flyers on 25th, inviting interested people to the meeting on 2nd March at the Quaker Meeting House.
Sue’s new fundraising book was featured by Writers Rebel with a short story from the collection.
Our next Zoom meeting is on Tuesday 21st at 6:30pm:
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Feb 21, 2023 06:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 745 4419 3987
Passcode: 8mYsLX