On Saturday 21st January we took our new 21st APRIL UNITE TO SURVIVE banner onto Berkhamsted High Street and will aim to be there, as long as we have the crew, every week into April. Can you help, 10:30 – 11:30 any Saturday morning? We have leaflets brought back from London but will need to print more and agree on the design.
We celebrate the decision by the brewery to pollard rather than fell the poplar on Station Road. Bravo to everyone who emailed. Vigilance will be required…
DON’T FORGET you are invited to meet a few of us for coffee at Epicure on Berko high street on Sunday 12th Feb at 2pm.
A lovely Rebel friend from St Albans is in court this week, for blocking the Grand Prix last July (since when she’s been tagged and on a curfew), so some of us will be supporting her and hoping for an enlightened jury. The Barclays 7 will also be sentenced at Southwark on Friday. We oppose the almost unbelievably draconian Public Order Bill and hope the House of Lords does the right thing on 30th January.
Our next Zoom meeting will be on Tuesday 24th January:
Topic: Extinction Rebellion Dacorum
Time: Jan 24, 2023 06:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 732 7294 5479
Passcode: 4HNWjJ
On the agenda: outreach for April 21st.