So far this month we have decorated Berkhamsted with artworks encouraging people to join the Rebellion in April and taken part in a protest at another Luton Rising consultation, with a bank action to follow.
On Friday 4th March we were one of six groups (inc XR Luton, XR St Albans, LADCAN and Greenpeace) joining together outside and inside the Eric Morecambe Centre in Harpenden, where members of the public attended a presentation on expanding Luton Airport. With banners, singing and drumming, a die-in, leaflets, stickers and placards and an appearance by the local Tory MP who opposes the expansion on behalf of his constituents (while being uninformed on the Code Red for humanity), we maintained a presence dominated by the Grim Reaper and covered by Herts Advertiser.
#SitForClimate starts next Saturday, 12th March, at 11:00. Sit somewhere public for ten minutes, with the message on a placard, and share a photo with us and on Twitter @SitForClimate.
Next meeting: Tuesday 8th March, 6:30.
Topic: Dacorum XR
Time: Mar 8, 2022 06:30 PM London
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