Rebellion Debrief
Most of us were positive about the impact and experience; G had mixed feelings. Everyone noted better reception from the public and more outreach.
Camino to COP
M and M went to Harpenden on Wed eve, greeted 20+ walkers, 40 attendees at the event.
Great Big Green Week events:
18th Sept Civic Centre
9-10 set up S and L, G,
10-12 K, L and S
12-2 K (K to ask R)
2-4 M (we need to ask others to support)
4pm S and L to clear up and be out by 5.
K to bring sign-up sheets.
L TO PRODUCE A FLYER for 22nd and Oct 5th.
22nd Sept Civic Centre Berkhamsted Live Goes Green 7:30
We all need to invite and bring friends and family.
In-person meeting Oct 5th 7:30 Berkhamsted Quaker Meeting House
We need to decide on the structure next week and publicise.
We discussed some ideas and agreed on one but set no date and need support.
NEXT MEETING: in-person at K’s, 6:30 on Thurs 16th Sept. Contact us for the address.