Uprising Weekend
We celebrated Sunday’s march, heard about G’s arrest and felt very positive about everything except the police raiding the Arts Factory.
Bank action
We decided to revert to plan A, because the area outside the bank is bigger.
Picnic – Climate and Cake
Sue to create a Facebook event for 11th June and invite newer members personally. Event to be shared to Tring and Chesham pages.
Sasha and Laura to be encouraged onto Signal instead of WhatsApp.
Wildflower Meadow
Following some complaints from neighbours, the area has been reduced but only to the size originally offered.
Street Talk
Sue to forward this to others. We discussed using this as the basis of an event after the Great Big Green Week in September.
Tring Plastics Parade
This is postponed until 24th July.
Next meeting is at 6:30 on Tuesday July 6th.
Topic: Dacorum XR
Time: Jul 6, 2021 06:30 PM London
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