Feedback from 3 sitters at the meeting: MB (XR Tring) sat for 12 mins in Berko with a lot of abuse; J (XR Chesham) sat on the road in Amersham for a short time and then longer on the pavement, where he received a lot of support; Sue sat for 2 hours in Harpenden, with about 65-70% support, and was arrested, charged and bailed with a court date of 28th May. L has already signed up for the next RO1 wave, as have 600 people!
MB’s March Against Plastic
M shared this idea which was received with enthusiasm. Date set for July 17th. March from supermarket to supermarket with a letter, possibly asking for a refill station. M to draw up an action plan and letter for this work in progress. We would invite various eco and political local groups to support it, churches and schools too.
CEE Bill
S reported that in spite of a Minute from the T and E committee, supporting the CEE Bill was left off the agenda at the full council meeting on 4th May so will now wait until 14th June. Town Clerk rang S to apologise.
RM, L, M, J 3:30 – 5:30 Thursday 6th May, same Berko high st location but minus installation. G to get petition forms from K and banner from MD. Also tape.
MD to organise repeat on Tring high st.
S to ask friends in Rickmansworth about a location there, and support.
Picnic on the bridge with the 8m banner 11-3 Sunday 9th May. G to bring jute string. Facebook Live?
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Topic: Extinction Rebellion Dacorum
Time: May 12, 2021 07:30 PM London
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