CEE Bill – Installation
Over Easter weekend, unmanned, this drew very few new signatures for the petition, so we decided to use it again on the high street, with a paper petition and hand gel, and Rebels to explain to curious passers-by. 21st April, 11 -3 was agreed, overlooking that Wednesday is market day, so we will check out the feasibility next Wed. Could rehang G’s banner at the same time.
CEE Bill – banners
G’s made it into the national top 10! Sue’s needs repairing – K offered to add fabric and eyelets to make it reusable on the A41 bridge, but accompanied. Maybe a picnic! S to get banner to K.
Asking election candidates to back the bill
S to forward email from CEE Bill Alliance to M. Who Can I Vote For? will give you all the candidates to contact.
Bank actions
Checking Trustpilot, S discovered that Barclays’ rating is already BAD so leaving reviews seems unnecessary. We expressed respect for the 7 women arrested outside Barclays HQ. One of us carried out an early morning action in solidarity. G has a plan for the future.
We discussed the building industry – a subject to return to.
M shared news from XR Tring including ‘soft’ actions like plant swaps and litter picking. G did some litter picking in Berko recently – bravo!
Next meeting:
Topic: Extinction Rebellion Dacorum
Time: Apr 14, 2021 07:30 PM London
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