#CEE bill
Leafleting to promote this Private Members bill continues in Berkhamsted, Tring, Hemel Hempstead and Bovingdon. Please contact us if you can help, particularly in Tring or Hemel. Email your contact details to dacorumclimatenetwork@gmail.com to arrange drop-off/collection of leaflets. Delivery is non-contact, i.e. just dropping through the door, while wearing gloves/using hand sanitiser regularly.
For details of the bill, see here.
Sign-ups to the CEE bill petitions to our local MPs have slowed. Please share the following petition links widely with your fellow-constituents and encourage them to sign and share:
(for Gagan Mohindra, MP for South West Hertfordshire)
(for Sir Mike Penning, MP for Hemel Hempstead)
Our Sunday morning social media postings of pictures (members holding posters saying ‘I’m asking my M.P. to support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill #CEE bill. Have you asked yours?’) are gaining traction. Join in this week!
A #CEE bill banner drop is scheduled nationwide for the 26th March. We discussed possibilities for production and location if we do one locally.
RO1 (Rebellion of One)
XR will decide by 13th March if this will go ahead as scheduled. Training is underway and teams are being formed locally.
Dirty Banks
The latest Twitterstorm was bigger than last time. The stickers have some staying power, and the action made the local papers.
Don’t forget to submit your comments to Dacorum Development Plan as opposition mounts. See notes from our previous meeting for more.
Upcoming talks
We discussed combining with other local groups to host a Zoom talk by ‘Scientists for XR’. T to co-ordinate.
Topic: Extinction Rebellion Dacorum
Time: Feb 10, 2021 07:30 PM LondonJoin Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 994 5775 7456Passcode: 501137